Privacy Policy Of Energeia

Your privacy is very important to us. We want to make your online experience enjoyable and secure. By buying our product, you'll be added to our mailing lists.

This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and share your information. It covers both visitors who use our website without an account and members who buy products or subscribe to services. Please read it carefully.

What Information We Collect and How We Use It
General Info: We gather information from visitors and members to give you a better experience. We mainly use this info for our services and keep it private, except in special cases or if you’ve given us permission.

Registration Info: When you sign up, we collect details like your name, address, phone number, and payment info. We use this to manage your account and bill you. We don’t share this info with others unless stated or in special cases.

Partner Info: Sometimes, we work with partners to offer services. In these cases, we might share your info with them to track promotions, but only for that purpose.

Online Shopping: If you buy something from our site, we use your info to process your order. We don’t share this info with others unless necessary to complete the order.

Advertisements: We might use non-identifying info to show ads. We don’t share personal info with advertisers.
Email Inquiries: We only use your email address to respond to your questions and don’t share it with others.
Surveys: We might ask you to participate in surveys to improve our services. Your answers are kept confidential. We may use combined survey results to improve our offerings.

Promotions: For contests or promotions, we might share winner info with the organizers.

Special Cases: We may share personal info if required by law or to protect our services.

California Residents' Privacy Rights
Under California law, you can request information about how we’ve shared your personal info with third parties for marketing. To do this, email us with "California Privacy Request" in the subject line.

We use cookies to remember your settings and improve our services. Cookies from other sites are not controlled by us.

Children’s Privacy
Our site is for people 18 and older. We do not collect information from children under 18.

Public Forums
Be cautious about sharing personal info in public areas of our site.

Data Security
We take steps to protect your info, but we can’t guarantee it will always be safe from hackers.
Questions and Changes

If you have questions or want to update your info, contact us through the details on our site. We can change this policy anytime, so check back often. To stop receiving emails, click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of our emails or use the red button on our site.